Breaking the Four Predicaments of Maternal and Infant Nutritional Products – Charlie Zhao


As the 90s and even 00s generation gradually become new parents, parenting concepts and approaches to nutritional supplementation are undergoing a significant upgrade. Their meticulous attitude towards life is also reflected in maternal and infant consumption, with a pursuit of more scientific, efficient feeding methods and high-quality parenting lifestyles. However, the highly competitive Chinese maternal and infant nutritional product market currently fails to meet the escalating demands of these new-generation parents.

Charlie Zhao, President of FONO CARE (Wellohi brand), has identified these predicaments in the Chinese market and vowed to resolutely break them! Under Charlie's leadership, the Wellohi team has swiftly reorganized their work, clarified directions, and made crucial decisions regarding brand positioning, marketing promotion, innovative nutritional staging, and new product development, making the Wellohi brand more user-friendly and vibrant.


Charlie Zhao, President of FONO CARE (Wellohi Brand) : "Resolutely Breaking the Four Predicaments of Chinese Nutritional Products."

1.Branding and Ingredient-based Sales Approach

Selling nutritional products resembles selling clothes, where finding a manufacturer and a design, then attaching one's own label, is all that's needed for sale. This approach often results in fleeting customer interest. Even with clothes, there are considerations for size, style, and occasion. Consumers' needs for nutritional products are even more complex and diverse. For example, zinc consumers have varying priorities – 6-month-old babies' mothers prioritize safety, while 3-year-olds' mothers prioritize taste. The new generation of parents demands more from nutritional products, spanning nutritional science, food safety, and physical differences. Without aligning with consumer needs, there can be no sales.


2.Low-efficiency Offline Promotions and Online Low-price Ingredient Hype

How much time does a consumer spend in a store? 10 minutes? 1 minute? 30 seconds? Explaining a nutritional product's effects, mechanism, and providing personalized advice takes even longer. Can consumers devote this much time and attention? This is an unavoidable challenge for offline sales.

Online, however, it's a different story. In this information-saturated era, where information is both consumed and manufactured, a captivating story paired with social media hype and a low-price live stream can lead to impressive sales, even if the so-called "internet-famous ingredient" comprises just 1% of the product.


3.Fragmented Competition Leading to Unprofitable Sales

Within a three-kilometer radius, the pricing of similar products varies greatly. Seeing what's popular and replicating it is common. This intense competition breeds chaos, with brands, systems, and stores competing against each other, suppressing rivals through market means and compressing industry profit margins. Product innovation lags, hindering healthy industry development. In this disorderly environment, innovative and effective products struggle to grow, while high-visibility, high-circulation products with slim profit margins dominate.


4.Unuser-friendly Dosage Forms Hindering Consistent Consumption

Manufacturers often overlook consumer experience, especially the unique needs of infants and young children. Products resembling medications discourage consistent use. No consumer wants to take "medicine" daily, nor does any parent want their child to consume such products.


Charlie Zhao's Strategy: Four-wheel Drive for Breakthrough

Facing these predicaments, Charlie emphasized the importance of brand, product, organization, and channel drives to propel Wellohi forward. With internal certainty amidst external uncertainty, Charlie insists on consumer-centricity, innovation, and "user typing and nutritional staging" to guide Wellohi's product vision.


Under Charlie's leadership, Wellohi at a new starting point of industry development and transformation, seeking breakthroughs amidst old paradigms and opportunities in new environments. The future of Wellohi is bright, poised to reach new heights!
